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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Sundries--Love Is in the Air

Ah, yes, tomorrow is my 24th wedding anniversary! My honey just came in the door from the Sunday ritual of getting a paper and we'll grab a bite to eat here in just a bit. Life is good. It's really hard to believe it's been this long. He jokes he wins the pool, because he had 23 and nobody else thought we'd make it this far.

He makes me laugh. And I love the everyday little things. That's what I've been trying to put into my fiction.

So, here are some pretties, some funnies and some awwwwws for you, this fine Sunday.
Truth. My man loves to come in the house and shock me with his cold hands, tickle my feet and leave trash on the counter when the trash can is right there. These are such minor things, I make sure I laugh. I'd miss them too much if he were gone.

If he were perfect, I would have killed him a long time ago. Could have made it look like an accident many times. I've put that into all of my characters in my fiction, too. Some of them, especially my heroes, were getting a little too, so I made sure they either did something or said something stupid. We're only human after all, right?

I'm here to testify that separate top sheets and blankets saved my marriage. Most of you know what I mean. The bed will never be a showcase, but we don't have the 3am arguments about how one is hogging the covers.

Absolutely true. The only way I could have gotten this far is with his help. I need at least one good hug and a couple of kisses every day to survive this crazy world and I'm so extremely grateful for my provider.

In fact, 90% of the time, when I say, "I love you," my husband will respond with, "I'll think about it." He says it freely when I need it, though and I know he means it. I've worked that into my fiction too.

We've laughed so much over these long years! We finish sentences, tell punchlines to unrepeated jokes and do little things for each other without asking. I can't tell you how many times he's said, "My next wife will do better" and I realize that's something my dad would have said to my mom. They were married just shy of 60 years, so I think we're going to be okay.

Deal. I read this to him and he said, "Isn't that sweet?" Have to plan ahead and I'm grateful that's one of his gifts.

It was almost love at first sight, when we actually had a chance to talk to each other. I knew he'd be an important friend. I hoped, but didn't want to push my luck. Turns out we had met when we were in our teens. How cool is that?

Another truth. So, thanks for joining us here on this journey of laughter and love. Y'all have a super week and remember to share your love stories too!